4***13-18 (20.9-29.0)***Moderate Breeze: Moves thin branches,
raises dust and paper.
5***19-24 (30.6-38.6)***Fresh Breeze: Moves trees sway.
6***25-31(40.2-50.0) ***Strong Breeze: Large tree branches move,
open wires (such as telegraph wires) begin to "whistle", umbrellas
are difficult to keep under control.
7***32-38 (51.5-61.2)***Moderate Gale: Large trees begin to sway,
noticeably difficult to walk.
8***39-46(62.8-74.0)***Fresh Gale: Twigs and small branches are
broken from trees, walking into the wind is very difficult.
9***47-54(75.6-86.9)***Strong Gale: Slight damage occurs to
buildings, shingles are blown off of roofs.
10***55-63 (88.5-101.4)***Whole Gale: Large trees are uprooted,
building damage is considerable.
11***64-72 (103.0-115.9)***Storm: Extensive widespread damage.
These typically occur only at sea, and rarely inland.