Trip at sunset, Martha's Vineyard
Summer is traditionally "time off" from school. But of course, learning takes place all the time. Here are some suggestions for summer learning without worksheets or burdensome lessons:
New! Have a Moominsummer with the Moomintrolls!
Visit unusual places
Storybook Travels will take you on a
virtual tour (or a real one if you like) to places like Hannibal MO,
London, NYC, California's Channel Islands, and more--over 30 destinations
from your favorite stories.
We found Gepetto's workshop in Italy with this book!
Also: How the Heather Looks: A Joyous Journey to the British Sources of Children's Books Like the title says...beautiful narrative. Read how the author tracks down the elusive Arthur Ransome and finds out where Swallows and Amazons really takes place.
catch frogs or toads
Read about a famous literary frog!
pick berries (be careful of bears!)
Sal finds blueberries, and her mother, in Maine
The famous pig gets back to nature
grow a bean teepee
climb trees (maybe a famous tree!)
sit under a shady tree on a sunny day
hike (bring water)
look under a rock
catch fireflies
listen in the evening--what birds sing last?
East, Central: West:
hike to an island at low tide
Libby and Annika with cousins Kelsey and Brianna on "private" island
dry seaweed/pondweed on blotter paper and frame it...or eat it!
visit a lighthouse
or spend the night in a lighthouse!!
cook outside using a Dutch oven
race snails, feed snails, eat snails!
watch a spider spin its web and catch dinner
run under the sprinkler (plain or fancy)
look for rainbows
walk on dew-covered grass in bare feet
roll down a hill
make "windy things" with online instructions from the Franklin Institute
learn to sail
plan an archaeological dig in your own back yard
walk along a railroad (carefully!) or stone wall
look for geodes
Imagine! (Finnish Troll Tales are the best for any season!)
play "new games"
Looking for more traditional games? Try these:
build a ropes course
plant a Mary Garden (off site)
Non-fiction and reference books for summer learning and activities:
The Complete Book of Decorative Knots includes lanyard knots (remember summer camp?) and much more! Great rainy day activity.
Cooking in the Outdoors A good, basic guide.
The Field and Forest Handybook Follow up to the Boys' Handy Book
The Outdoor Handy Book: For Playground Field and Forest More from Dan Beard
Need Field Guides? Click here!
More Summer books? Click here!
Thinking of camping? Click here for MacBeth's Equipment opinion.